Saturday, March 3, 2007

10 Tips on Buying Original Contemporary Art for Investment

NOTE: did not write nor edit this article (except maybe for some minor proofing). It's here as a service to you. Go to the site for categorized summaries and other unique content not available here.

By Arthur L. Browning

Record-setting prices are being paid for art created in the last one
hundred years. For a time it seemed as if Van Gogh's work would remain
the most valuble of recently auctioned pieces. But now other artists are
bringing in the multimillions per work as well.

Investing in art for the average person must take on some very
different dimensions. Yet, buying, collecting and selling art can be
interesting - even profitable. There some things to remember when you
are shopping for art - especially as an investor.

First, remember that the odds of finding a De Kooning at a garage
sale is infinitesimally small. His works, as are those of many artists,
were seen, bought, catalogued and stored almost as a public record. The
people who bought De Koonings along the way stood to make multimillions
as well, if they held onto the works.

Second, try to find artists whose works interest you, and get to know
those artists. Communicate with them about their work, their prices,
their career objectives. Try to acquire the best examples of their works
that are available.

Third, bargain on price - which is not easily accomplished if you are
after their largest or most accomplished pieces. Price can be tricky,
but don't let it cause tension between the artist and yourself.
Remember, heart felt appreciation of an artist's works go a long way to
softening negotiations. This doesn't mean you should be insincere in
your flattery, but do be expressive.

More words on prices. Bartering is not out of the question. Smaller
and less accomplished pieces should be less expensive. Sometimes buying
more than one piece gets a discount, or buying on a regular basis.
Buying works after an exhibition, or before an exhibition on the
condition that they are not sold during the exhibition, can bring some
discounts. Telling the artist his/her work will be shown prominently and
giving out the artist's cards should be a given if you want discount

Fourth, see how well the artist is received by other buyers or the
art community generally. Do not expect the best art, art prices, or art
investments from the best-known artists or the artist commanding the top
prices. By the way, these do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. When
galleries "discover" an artist they usually increase the artist's
prices. Your job is to discover the artist before the next big buyer or
gallery discovers them.

Fifth, either pick classic, timeless themes in artwork, or be very
aware that you are picking niche-interest or local-history themes.
Abstract and nonobjective works happily don't have this problem.

Sixth, try to focus on artists with a recognizable style. This does
not mean a generic, academic, or knock-off style. The style should be as
original, different, and strong as you and your friends can tolerate.
Investments usually have to be cutting edge, by the time they are blue
chip it takes big money to get into the game.

Seventh, diversify your collection across one or two axes and buy as
many as you can show in your house, office, or apartment. You can buy
one from each artist or several from a few different artists.

Eighth, choose artists who are productive and well-grounded in the
process of creating. Be careful of artists who are (or act as if they
are) "suffering artists" or confounded by life, etc. This does not mean
you should turn away a legitimate bargain because the artist really
needs money. Artists should be judged on their work, not their profile
or personality or their press hype.

Ninth, take good care of your art, it will appreciate rather slowly
on average. And, yes, price hikes may not start until the artist dies.
This doesn't mean you should follow only elderly artists, but you might
want to make sure your children or friends share some of you interests
in your selected artists. They may be the caretakers of your investment
one day.

Tenth, don't sell your art until you get good offers. Check the
market for other transactions on art from your artists. Don't expect to
make a quick killing - the stock market only works like that if you are
an insider or you are a very wealthy opportunist waiting on a sure

There are a lot of other things you can learn to increase your
ability and taste for art buying and investing. I will write some other
articles on this topic in the near future.

Arthur Browning Contemporary Art Gallery Magazine

Chubby Artist – The How to Sell Art Website

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