Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Be of Service and You'll Achieve Artist Success!

NOTE: did not write nor edit this article (except maybe for some minor proofing). It's here as a service to you. Go to the site for categorized summaries and other unique content not available here.

By Greg Katz

We’re caught in a world where time is money and extremely precious. It’s difficult enough to figure out how to create art, run a business, and have a life but there’s one more step we need to consider that will make running a business much easier. When we stand in service to others we create an exchange with the community and those we serve. This is not a call to go out and volunteer for every nonprofit that knocks on your door. I believe that when we are of service to our own community first we are given a huge advantage in the business arena. Remember charity begins at home.

One of the communities most artists belong to is an artist guild. If you go, how many times do elections come around and the board is scrambling to get someone, anyone who will give a year to serve. I can tell you from personal experience that serving on your professional organization’s board is the best investment you can make in your business. It sets you aside from others in many ways and allows you to provide your vision for the organization and the art world.

When we make a commitment to serve we are making a statement to the world that we are firmly planted in our art business. We set an intention to succeed and lead with that example. As part of the leadership team you can keep your finger on the pulse of the community and realize skills you may never have recognized in yourself previous to that moment in time. You’ll be included in marketing decisions, exhibition plans, education opportunities; all of these are things you can take and apply toward your own business.

Upon entering the coaching world I never had any intention of serving in a leadership position. Things change quickly and within six months I was part of the leadership team. That move led me to run for the board as Secretary and then I was asked to run for President of the organization. When you are given the opportunity to lead it’s not just about guiding the organization, but creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and inclusion. You become known for more than just your artistic talents; you become multi-dimensional. The key is the more people you know and know you, the easier it becomes to run your business. Remember, word-of-mouth is still one of the strongest selling points we can hope for in the art community.

Take the opportunity to learn more about yourself and if you want create a work of art based on your leadership experience. Serving will provide you with insights into human nature you can’t gather in any other manner. You get to make the leadership experience what you want it to be. It can either be an asset or a liability, that’s your choice. Since we’re in the business of building an artrepreneurial empire I’m guessing that you’ll find the way that suits your personality and your style to help move your business and the art community you belong to forward in its mission.

Greg Katz is a national juried artist and the owner of the Artist Success Studio, a virtual community focused on transforming "Successful Artist" from oxymoron to declarative fact. Greg can be reached at 720-851-6736 or his website at

Chubby Artist The How to Sell Your Art Website

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